Saturday, April 28, 2012

Food for the Reunion

This year for the reunion, we have decided to do all of the food together. Please let Youlonda know as soon as you can if you are planning on coming. This way we can get an accurate count on how much to buy. This will include five meals, snacks, and drinks. This way everyone will just have to show up for the fun.
The cost will be as follows:
Ages 0-2 free
Ages 3-9 $15.00 per child
Ages 10-99 $25.00 per adult

Please send your money to Youlonda
P.O. Box 725
Ferron, UT 84523

If you have any questions contact Youlonda.
Email (435)384-3367

A few familiar faces.

Sherri and Youlonda.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Book of Memories

Everyone please come prepared with stories about Mom(Grandma) and Dad(Grandpa), so that we can write them down and put together a book of memories. Also any family reunion stories that anyone would like to share.